Direct Booking Website
Transform your online presence into a booking magnet with an exceptional user experience on your direct booking website that captivates and converts visitors into confirmed reservations.
Direct Booking Website
Transform your online presence into a booking magnet with an exceptional user experience on your direct booking website that captivates and converts visitors into confirmed reservations.
Experience the magic of transforming your Airbnb listing into your own website in just a few simple steps.

FREE & User-Friendly Direct Booking Website Builder
Track Website PerformanceMake your marketing efforts more concise and efficient. Audit the SEO health, check for crawling and any drawbacks and track your direct booking website performance using tracking tools, such as Google Analytics, Tag Manager and Search Console.
Airbnb Review Auto-ImportGet your Airbnb account connected and your listing’s reviews will show up automatically on your direct booking website. Reviews can maximise your chance to get more bookings, making users’ experience more authentic.
Sync via Multi CalendarKeep your calendars synced across various distribution and marketing channels. No need to switch between screens and windows. Never get double booked again.
Online Payment SystemA seamless payment experience with the most advanced and secure digital payment gateways. Make safe payments through your direct booking website with 3-D Secure Links.
The future of the vacation rental business is here!
Build a beautiful direct booking website without any technical skills to increase your bookings
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and browser, securing online communications and safeguarding any sensitive data across the web.
GDPR Capitalisation
Stay General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliant and you’ll be maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the personal data you collect, essentially keeping it secure from internal or external threats.
Custom Script
Add interactive features to your direct booking website with custom script, such as live chat services, search boxes and discussion boards. You can also include videos in the property gallery.
Blogging Functionality
Create blogs on your direct booking websites to help boost search engine rankings, build credibility and increase website traffic and foster relationships with guests.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! If you have spent a lot of money on a remarkable WordPress website, through Zeevou’s integration with WordPress, you can now continue taking reservations through your website. Just install the Zeevou Plugin and use our simple shortcode to display the search widget wherever you like.
No, not a single penny!
Yes! You can use the Airbnb Review Auto-Import feature. Get your Airbnb account connected and your listing's reviews will show up automatically on your direct booking website.